Wednesday, February 18, 2009

If you can run a mile, you can run a marathon

Buenos Dias!

I don't have much time to blog this morning; I have to get ready and head off within half an hour to attend to court in a location kind of far away.

I did however want to mention this really cool website I came across: See Jane Run It seems that they're a bit like a Running Room-type store especially for women. They organize clinics, races, sell athletic gear (they also have an online store), the whole bit! That and people seem to love them as evidenced by their Yelp reviews.

My whole favourite part of their website? Their manifesto - much like the Lululemon one but perhaps even more fun. I especially love the part about "If you can run a mile, you can run a marathon!" :o) Which means I can clearly run a half in October. Awesome.



Every Gym's Nightmare said...

cool- off to check out that site

Kelly Turner

Aron said...

see jane run was my first half marathon!! they are great :)

A Toronto girl out West said...


yeah they look like a very cool company. Too bad they don't hold any events near where I live.

But yeah I'll definitely be scoping out their online store! :o)