Sunday, July 26, 2009

A View to Remember: Sculpt Your Way to a Sexy Back with SELF

Hola peeps!

Most of you know that I'm engaged to get married. Part in parcel with the joys of this momentous occasion comes the trepidation of wedding dress shopping. Every girl wants to look absolutely awesome on their wedding day. And that includes having all the jiggly bits under control - or better yet absolutely gone!!!

Most of us do squats, runs, and sit-up our way to fitness. But most of us (okay maybe just me) neglect our back. Sure it's an integral part of our bodies but how many exercises do you do that target your hind view? I know I don't.

But your back is pretty well one of the few things you can hide in evening dresses, bathing suits, or simple summer sheaths. The last thing I want is spillage (you know what I mean :oP).

Enter SELF magazine. They've posted a workout that will help you sculpt your way to a sexy back. I have to say I've started to incorporate moves like this into my workout routine and I'm already seeing the difference. I'd never had a line down my back before and I kind of love it.

Don't believe me? Give it a try!!! :o)


That Pink Girl said...

These are great - thanks for posting them!

Marianne (frenchfriestoflaxseeds) said...

Am I the only one who finds the lack of any sound in the video kinda creepy? HA!

Do you find that any of them put strain on your neck or low back? I always have to be careful of that, especially with core work and back work, because of injuries.

Marlene said...

Wish I had known about these exercises about 4 years ago. :)

Jocelyn said...

ooOOOOoo nice. I want a sexy back, even though I am not getting married :) I'm sure you don't even need to do these exercises. You will look great no matter what!
When is the big day again!?

A Toronto girl out West said...

That Pink Girl,

No problem - enjoy!


LOL Hilarious! You could always add your own background music!!!

And I haven't had a problem with these exercises. Funny thing is I do sometimes have lower back problems with ab mat work stuff. Strange . . .


It's never too late! :oP


November of 2010. Plenty of time to sculpt a smoking back!!!!!