Breakfast was a couple of my oatmeal breakfast cookies with some Yogi green tea. The tea comes with these lovely little sayings on the tea bag tag. Sometimes they're silly and sometimes inspiring. This was the saying on my day seven morning tea.
This one said the following:
"Let your manners speak for you" Kind of like a tea-based fortune cookie!
On day seven I decided to skip my morning snack. I was actually good for pretty well the whole morning but I was kind of mungry (mad + hungry = mungry) come lunch time. Lunch was a cup of whole wheat elbow pasta and about a cup of lean ground beef meatballs in a homemade tomato sauce with mushrooms and olives. It was yummy!
Post lunch dessert was a banana Larabar knock off courtesy of Angela's recipe at Oh She Glows. It turned out yummy but I still think Enlightened Cooking's Very Cherry bar (cheery pie Larabar knock off) is my favourite. They are wonderful bars though. They really fill you up. In fact if anything I think I may have eaten a tad too much at lunch. I felt too full - kind of weighed down afterwards.
Dinner consisted of a fist-sized portion of extra lean beef grilled on my stove-top, 1 heaping tablespoon of hummus, and steamed broccoli. Funny thing is I didn't realize until now that I doubled up on beef yesterday. Mmmm must try to avoid that. 'Twas yummy too!
My evening snack consisted of one banana sliced-up with one tablespoon of all natural almond butter on the side.
I didn't get a picture but I nibbled on a handful of dates while I prepped dinner. And that was what I ate on my last day of CFW! Woohoo!!
So now for the recap! What did I learn from Crap-Free Week?
1. Trying to eat "clean" forces you to be more creative in your food choices
2. I developed a deeper appreciation for almond butter (so much so that I would now love to try
the famed Barney Butter)
3. Oatmeal in the morning doesn't take very long to prepare and it's super yummy!
4. Portable oatmeal (via an oatmeal breakfast cookie) is a good thing! In fact today I left some
regular stove-top oats for the boy to eat when he woke up (he works varying hours).
He didn't eat them!! Why? Because he looked at them and thought I forgot to make the
cookies! :oP lol
5. A handful of sliced blanched almonds, chopped up dates, and dried cranberries makes for an
awesome snack.
6. Almond Breeze is a thing of beauty!
7. I CAN do this! I CAN eat crap-free! And in fact this has renewed my commitment. It
shocked my system and now I think I'm ready to stick to this new way of eating.
8. Food blogging is FUN! :o)
So that was my week! How about you . . . will you try a crap-free week? It's all the rage!!
See you tomorrow!
yayyy congrats on getting through the week! are you going to keep it giong after the week is over??? how amazing do you feel? did you think at some point you were going to crack, and eat a cheat food? sorry for so many Q's? haha
Thanks for the congrats!! :o) I'm excited! Mostly because I think it taught me to re-program my eating habits.
And yup I think for the most part I will stick to eating like this. I haven't rushed out and bought any cold cereals so it's all good so far.
It's funny how after a week your taste buds become accustomed to certain things - things that were okay before are now to salty, acceptable levels of carbs before now leave me feeling bloated . . . stuff like that! :o)
Oh and I forgot to mention - after the first day I didn't think I would make it. I wanted nothing more than some bread or a heaping stack of pancakes.
Basically pure refined carbohydrates!
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