Thursday, February 19, 2009

Jaime Pressley: Ab Envy

Most times when I pass by fitness magazines I am impressed with the covers but I often assume they have been largely photoshopped. I guess after so much media deception (read Kelly Clarkson and her newest CD cover, as per Kelly's own words) I don't trust what I see.

Then I flipped open my SHAPE magazine this month and they claimed that they don't photoshop their covers. Seriously? In which case I'm gobsmacked because Jaime Pressley looks AMAZING in this month's cover (see above). She also looked nothing short of stunning on the alternate inside cover; in fact I think I actually said "wow!"

But could SHAPE possibly be telling the truth? Is this the way she actually looks!? I went on the SHAPE website and found a video of the photoshop that proves that she does indeed look that good: see video here.

Colour me impressed! She looks amazing. And I do believe I have ab envy. Now if you excuse me I have to knock out a couple dozen crunches before work.

all pictures are the property of Shape magazine


Every Gym's Nightmare said...

i saw this too, and aside form her looking amazing- i was impressed with the interview. shes really intellegent and has her head on straight.

Kelly Turner

A Toronto girl out West said...

I actually just got my copy a couple of days ago so I haven't even had a chance to read it yet.

But I look forward to the article! :)

I just thumbed the magazine and saw some of the hard-core moves she was demonstrating. She seems like cool beans!